• Our methodology of training is starting from basic to advance to skill up gradation level and then we go on practical training on course relevant machine. We provide training of CNC machines of almost all controllers, through theory as well as practical which covers CNC Operating, Programming & Setting as CNC technology is the latest technology in today’s fast growing world. Apart from this, we also train our students how to measure critical components of different machine with different kinds of measurement instruments. At the end of course project work is done by trainee in which trainee got self-confidence of making component independently.

• Other programs and co curriculum activities are conducted for all-round development of the trainee to imbibe in them good values, habits, team building and skills which will improve their general behavior. Special training is given to trainees for enhancing their skills, leadership skills & intellectual abilities towards career development & developing interviewing skills. In addition to the formal training, our Institute also imparts soft skills like knowledge of spoken & written English language and also safety & health related measures are taught.